Friendly Reminder: Enrolment for the in-house training courses “Visual Thinking”, “Government Applied Chinese Writing” and “Life Coaching in the Workplace” will end on Friday (17/08/2018)

Friendly Reminder: Enrolment to UM Recreational Club Interest Class in August: “Hairdo Class” ends on 15/08/2018 (Wednesday)

Recruitment Advertisements of (1) Full/Associate/Assistant Professor in Translation Studies (2) Full/Associate/Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Religious Studies (3) Instructor of English Language (4) Teaching Fellows of English Language (5) Administrative Assistant for Registry (6) Administrative Assistant/Senior Administrative Assistant for Faculty of Health Sciences (7) Senior Administrative Assistant for Facility Management and Maintenance

New in-house training courses: Enrolment for the in-house training courses “Visual Thinking”, “Government Applied Chinese Writing” and “Life Coaching in the Workplace”