Procurement Notices 採購通告
Works – Written Consultation (Request for Quotation)
工程 – 書面諮詢 (邀請報價)
投標須知 Tender Remarks
1. 競投者在投標前有義務閱讀「投標指引」及「競投者注意事項」。
Bidders have the obligation to read the “Guidelines of Tender” and “Attention to all bidders” before bidding.
2. 如有任何補充資料或更新事項,本處將發出更新通告。競投者有責任定時留意本採購通告之更新,以確保及時取得相關資訊。
Supplementary or updated information will be announced through a renewed procurement notice. Supplier is responsible to review the procurement notice page constantly for such information.
3. 未註冊為本大學供應商之商戶於投標時須附上商業登記副本、開業登記(M1)副本及本年度之營業稅單(M8)副本。
For those which have not registered as our university suppliers, please submit copies of business registration, declaration of commencement of operation (M1) and tax record (M8) together with tender submission.
4. 新供應商如需成為本大學註冊供應商,可瀏覽大學網頁: 進行網上註冊登記。 To become a registered supplier of the university, you can directly access to the University website: for online registration.
Bidders have the obligation to read the “Guidelines of Tender” and “Attention to all bidders” before bidding.
2. 如有任何補充資料或更新事項,本處將發出更新通告。競投者有責任定時留意本採購通告之更新,以確保及時取得相關資訊。
Supplementary or updated information will be announced through a renewed procurement notice. Supplier is responsible to review the procurement notice page constantly for such information.
3. 未註冊為本大學供應商之商戶於投標時須附上商業登記副本、開業登記(M1)副本及本年度之營業稅單(M8)副本。
For those which have not registered as our university suppliers, please submit copies of business registration, declaration of commencement of operation (M1) and tax record (M8) together with tender submission.
4. 新供應商如需成為本大學註冊供應商,可瀏覽大學網頁: 進行網上註冊登記。 To become a registered supplier of the university, you can directly access to the University website: for online registration.
採購編號 Ref.# |
項目名稱 Subject |
書面諮詢文件 Document for Written Consultation |
聯絡資料 Contact Information |
截止遞交報價時間 (當天下午五時三十分或之前) Quotation submission deadline (on or before 5:30 pm) |
上載日期 Upload date |