Friendly Reminder: Enrolment for the in-house training courses “Stress and Emotion Management” and “Strategic Thinking & Planning” will end today (19/09/2018)

Year-end Closing for Fiscal Year 2018: Submission of purchase requests (PR forms) to ADMO-PCT (Deadline: 19/10/2018 )

Friendly Reminder: Invitation to Promotional Seminar on of Macao by the Social Security Fund – 14 September 2018 (Friday)

New in-house training courses: Enrolment for the in-house training courses “Web CMS Training (Level 1)”, “Stress and Emotion Management” and “Strategic Thinking & Planning”

Recruitment Advertisements of (1) Assistant Professor in the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (2) Administrative Assistant/Senior Administrative Assistant for the Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office